Bug Fixes (and Google Play)

It's been a while! Thanks to the tireless efforts of Project Ensō, we're now available on Google Play! (It's a more censored version of the game than you can download from itch, to meet the store requirements, but the core gameplay is all there.) 


For those of you on computers (or who like sideloading to your Android device), there's a new build of the game out for Windows, Mac, and Linux, that fixes a lot of typos (as well as the pesky bug where you'd get the same question twice in the press conference).

The Mac build has also been notarized, so it should work on newer versions of OS X, thanks to the help of Rob Colton.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support!


Charles20-1.4-linux.tar.bz2 55 MB
Jun 23, 2020
Charles20-1.4-win.zip 50 MB
Jun 23, 2020
Charles20-1.4-android.apk 68 MB
Jun 23, 2020
Charles20-1.4-mac.dmg 50 MB
Jun 23, 2020

Get Charles 2.0

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